Our lawyers

In the office advokatfirma I meyer a German-Danish team of lawyers is available to you.
Get in touch with the lawyers of the office directly at the stated e-mail addresses or turn, with pleasure by e-mail, to our office employee Heidi Mundeling
- Hans-Oluf Meyer
- Bastian Ellendt
- Philipp Lemke

Fachanwalt für Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht
Advokat (L), LL.M. & Rechtsanwalt
Areas of practice
Hans-Oluf Meyer (1969) is both Danish and German lawyer. He provides advice predominantly in German/Danish legal matters in areas of international contract law, international private law and litigation. In Danish law he basically focuses on contract law, company/commercial law and the tort law.
Right of audience
– in Denmark:
High Court, Maritime and Commercial Court Copenhagen
– in Germany:
Amtsgerichte (district courts), Landgerichte (regional courts) and Oberlandesgerichte / Kammergericht Berlin (state courts)
1995 Cand. jur., Århus Universitet
1995/1996 Danish student of Germans Academic Exchange Service
1996 Master’s degree
1996/1999 Junior judge (Advokatfuldmægtig)
1999 Danish Advocate in Copenhagen
2001 Aptitude test to the registration as a German lawyer
2001 German lawyer
2007 – 2015 Board of the incorporated law society of Berlin
2009 Ambassador of Berlin
2012 Specialist attorney for commercial and corporate law
2013 – 2015 Int. al. representative for education for the Berlin Law Society
2013 Kraks Blå Bog, the Danish official “Who is Who”
2013 President of EureseaU (international network for lawyers)
German, Danish, English, French
– Danish Association of Lawyers and Economists (Danmarks Jurist- og Økonomforbund):
ambassador for companies (virksomhedsambassadør)
– Bar Association Berlin (Anwaltskammer):
member of the board
– Danish Bar association (advokatsamfundet)
– German Bar association (Deutscher Anwaltsverein)
– German-Nordic-lawyers association

Areas of practice
Bastian Ellendt (1982) gives legal advice mainly in areas of general civil law as well as labour and employment law. He also provides advice in legal matters of criminal law.
2001-2006 Studies of law in Berlin an Munich
2007-2008 Scientific employee of the German Bundestag
2008-2010 Internship in Berlin
2010 Ass. Jur., Berlin
Since 2010 Phd. In comparative law
2011 Lawyer, Berlin
Right of audience
Amtsgerichte (district courts), Landgerichte (regional courts) and Oberlandesgerichte / Kammergericht Berlin (state courts)
German, English
Bar Association Berlin (Anwaltskammer)
German-Swiss Lawyers‘ Association (DSJV)

Rechtsanwalt, LL.M.
Areas of practice
Philipp Lemke (1975) gives legal advice mainly in areas of commercial law and company law as well as general civil law.
Right of audience
Amtsgerichte (district courts), Landgerichte (regional courts) and Oberlandesgerichte / Kammergericht Berlin (state courts)
German, Danish, English
advokatfirma | meyer
Kurfürstendamm 57
D 10707 Berlin
Tel +49 (0)30 31 51 89 69 0
Fax +49 (0)30 31 51 89 69 9
E-Mail: contact@advokatfirma.de