advokatfirma | meyer is a law firm with its office in the old heart of Berlin at the Kurfürstendamm. Our firm has been established to meet the growing demand of international clients intending to buy real property in Germany, focussing on the Berlin market where we have an in-depth expertise on prices and conditions.
Additionally we are legal advisors for our clients, regarding questions of corporate and commercial law and all aspects of their business here in Germany.
The Danish founder and partner of the lawfirm Hans-Oluf Meyer has successfully transferred the Scandinavian way of team-work into our German law firm and we are therefore very glad to present a high standard concerning both our reachability towards our clients as well as our legal advice, as our cases are regularly surveyed by more than one lawyer.
ABOUT lawyer Hans-Oluf Meyer
Hans-Oluf Meyer (1969) is both Danish and German lawyer. He provides advice predominantly in German/Danish legal matters in areas of international contract law, international private law and litigation.
In Danish law he basically focuses on contract law, company/commercial law and the tort law.
advokatfirma | meyer
Kurfürstendamm 57
D 10707 Berlin
Tel +49 (0)30 31 51 89 69 0
Fax +49 (0)30 31 51 89 69 9
E-Mail: contact@advokatfirma.de