Information according to §6 TDG
Website operators:
Lawyer Hans-Oluf Meyer
Responsible regulating authority:
Per lawyers with German accreditation:
Rechtsanwaltskammer Berlin
Littenstrasse 9
D – 10179 Berlin
Per lawyers with Danish accreditation:
Kronprinsessegade 28
DK – 1306 Kopenhagen
Legal title:
The legal title is given by the justice ministers of the Federal States of Germany- here Berlin- and is Rechtsanwalt respectively Rechtsanwältin.
Lawyer Hans-Oluf Meyer has beside the German also the Danish accreditation. The legal title is Advokat.
Regulations regarding profession:
The relevant regulations regarding profession are the ″Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung (BRAO)″, the ″Fachanwaltsordnung (FAO)″, the ″Gesetz über die Vergütung von Rechtsanwältinnen und Rechtsanwälten (RVG)″ and the ″Berufsregeln der Rechtsanwälte der Europäischen Gemeinschaft (CCBE)″. You find all regulations under
Lawyer & Advokat Hans-Oluf Meyer is subject to the regulations regarding profession in
– Retsplejeloven §§ 119–147 (Danish rules of procedure)
– Vedtægten for Advokatsamfundet (Rules of Chamber of Lawyers)
– Advokatsamfundets Vedtægt for Klientkonti (Rules of law society concerning trust accounts)
– De Advokatetiske Regler (The lawyer ethic regulations)
– “Gesetz über die Tätigkeit europäischer Rechtsanwälte in Dänemark”
You find these regulations at the website of the Danish Chamber of Lawyers under „Regler“.
The copyright at this website and parts of it is entitled to lawyer Hans-Oluf Meyer. Several sites of this website may only be downloaded for use inside your company, temporarily saved and printed. Any other copying, transmitting or distribution of any content of this website, especially through downloading, saving or printing, is without explicit agreement of lawyer Hans-Oluf Meyer prohibited.
Information and liability
Lawyer Hans-Oluf Meyer undertook all efforts to ensure that the rightness of the information and the links, which are enclosed in this website, is guaranteed. Nevertheless is every liability in content with the use of information, links or the trust in whose rightness due to the peculiarities of the medium internet and the risks of interruption or of abruption of information transmission excluded. For the content of the linked sites are only the operators of those sites responsible.
advokatfirma | meyer
Kurfürstendamm 57
D 10707 Berlin
Tel +49 (0)30 31 51 89 69 0
Fax +49 (0)30 31 51 89 69 9