advokatfirma | meyer supports Team Rynkeby Berlin as a Gold sponsor
Team Rynkeby is well known in Denmark, but since its foundation twenty years ago it has become a European project where charity cycling teams from several cities in Europe cycle from their home destination to Paris in the same week to watch the end of the Tour de France. The aim is to raise money for children’s cancer funds in each country.
Today, the German juice group Eckes-Granini with its three brands Rynkeby, Go Morgen and hohes C is behind the project. Today, Team Rynkeby consists of 2,400 exercise cyclists and 550 volunteers in 59 local teams from Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Faroe Islands, Iceland, Germany and Switzerland.
From July 9th to 16th 2022, a team of 30 cyclists, including lawyer Hans-Oluf Meyer, for the first time did cycle the about 1,200 km from Berlin to Paris within a week to meet the other teams. 2022 was a special year for the Danish participants, as the Tour de France did start in Denmark (->Article in the german newspaper Tagesspiegel)
In 2020, Team Rynkeby could give € 8.79 million to organisations helping children with critical illnesses. Of this, € 152,749 went to the German Children’s Cancer Foundation. Since 2002, the cycling teams have cycled and raised more than € 75 million.
In 2023 we will again participate. This time with two drivers from our law firm advokatfirma | meyer. With our donation as a gold sponsor to Team Rynkeby and our active participation in Team Rynkeby Berlin, we would like to make our contribution and gain further attention and new supporters for this project. If you are interested in finding out more – please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. We look forward to telling more.
advokatfirma | meyer
Kurfürstendamm 57
D 10707 Berlin
Tel +49 (0)30 31 51 89 69 0
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